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Home Security While on Holidays

It is easy to forget to close or lock them before we leave for a day out or on our holiday.

Chances are you have been waiting all year for your family holiday, a week or two at home or abroad where timetables can be forgotten and fun is the order of the day! But while you are away, your empty home could be a target for burglars. What a nightmare that would be to come home to?

Recent Garda statistics show that almost one in four burglaries that happen in the summer are through an unsecured door or window. Sunny summer days mean we are likely to have them open more. It is easy to forget to close or lock them before we leave for a day out or on our holiday.

The good news is there are easy steps you can take to secure your home whether you are away for two weeks or just on a family day out:

house at night

1. Ensure all doors and windows are locked

Do a thorough check of your home to ensure all the doors and windows are locked before you leave (even the little one in the bathroom!). But leave blinds and curtains open, your home will look empty if they are closed during the day.

2.  Set your house alarm 

Although an alarm in itself isn’t always a deterrent to burglars, it will help. If you have a trusted neighbour or friend monitoring your home, they can alert you to if something does happen while you are away.

3. Make the house looked lived in

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • Have a timed light go on at night (consider putting this in a bedroom or sitting room rather than the hall way)
  • Cancel the milk man or any other deliveries you may receive
  • Have someone collect post while you are away
  • Have a car parked in the drive if possible (maybe ask a neighbour to park there)

Set your house alarm

4. Let there be light

Light is the enemy of burglars who rely on darkness and shadow to hide what they are up to. This is backed up by the fact that the majority of summer break-ins happen between 12am – 4am. Ensure the front and back of your home is well lit up at night. Security lights with motion sensors are a great option, as they won’t disturb your neighbours with constant light.

5. Consider ‘defensive planting’

This may take a little planning but the Gardaí say planting prickly hedging along the border of your home or below a window may act as further deterrent to would be burglars. Although there is a long list of options, some of the most popular are:

  • Golden Bamboo
  • Firethorn
  • Shrub Rose

6. Don’t post on social media

Last but not least, we know checking into the airport on social media is tempting or sharing a snap or two while you are away but it is also a way of letting people know that your home is empty so don’t do it. Irrespective of privacy settings, it is too big a risk to take.

Find more ways to secure your home in our handy home security infographic. Don’t forget to protect the things you love with comprehensive home insurance from AIG.