Home Insurance Help & Advice

Here you'll find some helpful tips and articles that are directly related to your Home Insurance and should help you to understand your insurance policy.

*This blog is for marketing purposes only and does not constitute advice.*

    • Home Insurance
    The Ultimate Guide to Insuring Your New Home

    Buying a new house is stressful enough without stressing about home insurance policies. Learn more about insuring your new house. 

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    • Home Insurance
    What to Know When Renting a House for the First Time

    Moving out on your own for the first time is a big step. We can shine a light on what you need to do to ensure your first-time renting goes smoothly. Read our guide!

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    • Home Insurance
    How to Make a Claim on Your Home Insurance Policy

    Take the stress out of making a claim on your home insurance with our step by step guide. Discover the dos and don’ts of making a claim. 

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    • Home Insurance
    Top Tips for Roof Maintenance and Inspection

    Your roof is your frontline defence against inclement weather, damp, and other hazards. Learn how to take care of it with our maintenance and inspection tips.

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    • Home Insurance
    5 Common Home Insurance Myths You Need To Be Aware Of

    We’re debunking some of the top home and contents insurance myths in Ireland. Could they be affecting your policy? It’s time to find out.

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    • Home Insurance
    How to Prepare for a Winter Storm

    The number of winter storms hitting Ireland is increasing. We share some tips to ensure you are prepared for whatever the weather throws at us this winter.

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    • Home Insurance
    First Time Buyer’s Guide to Home Insurance

    Home insurance can seem like a minefield as a first-time buyer. What is covered, do I need it and what do I have to do to get it? Find out today.

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    • Home Insurance
    Home Security While Away at Christmas

    Don’t make your home a target for burglars this Christmas. Take these easy steps to prevent burglary while you are away visiting family and friends.

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    • Home Insurance
    Home Security While on Holidays

    Don’t make your home a target for burglars this summer. Check out our top tips for keeping your home secure today.

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    • Home Insurance
    What Changes Your Home Insurance Premium?

    We have all been filling our homes with gadgets that make our lives easier, however this will have an impact on home insurance premiums.

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    • Home Insurance
    Your Top Home Insurance Questions Answered

    We wanted to answer some of the most asked questions to our sales and customer service teams about home insurance. Check here.

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    • Home Insurance
    What To Do If Your Home is Burgled?

    Having our home broken into is a nightmare thought but what should we do if we are a victim? Don’t miss our step by step guide.

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    • Home Insurance
    10 Important Home Security Tips

    Shorter days means the house stands in the dark for longer. Keep your home safe all year round with our top 10 easy to implement home security tips.

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    • Home Insurance
    Secure Your Home This Winter

    Homes can be more vulnerable in the winter, making them a perfect target for break-ins. We asked Irish people about burglaries on their homes. Check it out!

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    • Home Insurance
    Top Tips from Irish Home Security Experts

    We’ve asked Irish home security experts for their tips when it comes to keeping your home safe from burglary this winter. Don’t miss their unique insights.

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    • Home Insurance
    5 Ways to Keep Your Home Secure This Winter

    Did you know one third of Irish people are at home when they are burgled? Find out how to keep your home secure today.

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    • Home Insurance
    Home Insurance: What Is All Risk Insurance?

    Do you know what all risk insurance is? If not and you own a home this is for you! Learn more about home insurance today.

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    • Home Insurance
    Are Your Most Valuable Items Insured?

    High value items should be named on your insurance to make sure they are adequately covered. Here are some of top picks to consider.

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    • Home Insurance
    6 Items In Your Home You Should Insure

    AIG's list of items you often overlooking when declaring the contents of your home for home insurance; fridges, washing machines and more.

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    • Home Insurance
    Keeping Your Home Secure This Christmas

    Crime doesn't take a holiday and Christmas is no different. Click here to get some tips on keeping your home and contents safe and secure this Christmas.

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    • Home Insurance
    How to Save On Your Home Insurance Quote

    Nobody likes to pay more than they have to for their home insurance, so we have put together our top tips on how to save money on your premiums.

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