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Driving Fatigue Prevention: How to Stay Awake While Driving

Discover valuable techniques to stay awake behind the wheel and combat driver fatigue on the road.

Driving fatigue poses a significant risk on the roads, contributing to accidents and injuries. Addressing tiredness while driving is crucial for ensuring road safety and protecting yourself and others.

Coping with Tiredness While Driving

If you start feeling drowsy during your journey and notice some or any of the symptoms above, it's crucial to take immediate action to combat fatigue and ensure your safety. Beware of the myths about ways to keep yourself awake while driving! Rolling down a window, turning up the radio or chewing gum are not effective and long-lasting solutions to fight driver fatigue.

Take a Break

If possible, stop at a shop or service station, if not, pull into an off-road layby. Do not stop in the hard shoulder of a motorway as you are at risk from passing traffic. Instead, leave the motorway at the next exit and find a safe place to pull in. This is one of the many tips we shared previously when discussing how to drive on the motorway.

Consume Caffeine

A cup of coffee or caffeinated beverage can provide a short-term energy boost. However, be mindful that the effects are temporary, and it's important not to rely solely on caffeine for long drives.

Engage in Physical Activity

Stretching or doing light exercises at rest stops can help increase blood flow and alleviate feelings of drowsiness. Also, the fresh air is another way to help keep yourself awake, so if you’re not getting out of the car, roll down the windows (unless taking a power nap, as covered below)

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water can help combat dehydration, which can contribute to fatigue. Keep a bottle of water within reach during your drive.

Take a Power Nap

If possible, and you have found a safe spot to pull over. Lock your car doors and take a 15-20 minute nap to allow the caffeine to kick in and take the edge off your fatigue. A power nap like this can provide temporary alertness, avoid sleeping any longer than this as you will go into a deep sleep cycle and may wake feeling even more groggy.

Once you have completed these steps and if you feel more alert, continue driving. If not, rest for longer.

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